14 Ways To Protect Your Business From A Cyber-Attack

Protect Your Business From A Cyber-Attack – Keep your business safe with our London cyber security services

With the rise of cyber-attacks, it’s not just large companies that need to invest in security. Every business owner should make sure they’re protected with adequate measures for their own networks – regardless if you have 10 employees or 100 thousand members of staff!


London cyber security services

Cyber Security – Did you know?

1 in 5 small businesses will suffer a cyber breach this year

81% of all breaches happen to small and medium sized businesses

97% of all breaches could have been prevented with today’s technology

Are you worried about the security of your business’ online presence?

Are you concerned that a cyber-attack could jeopardize the future of your company?

If so, our London cyber security services can help. Our experts are trained in all aspects of online security, and they can help keep your business safe from cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about our services, and how we can help protect your business from harm. With the rise in cyber threats, it’s more important than ever for businesses to be mindful about their technology system security. No matter how big or small your company might seem right now – there are always vulnerabilities that could put them at risk!

Here we have listed 14 ways you can protect yourself from these attacks with just a few simple changes…

Educate your employees on the dangers of cyber-attacks and how to protect themselves

Train your users – often! Teach them about data security, Social Engineering Attacks, email attacks, and your policies and procedures.

Educate your employees on Phishing scams

When it comes to Phishing scams, the best defense is a good offense. Educate your employees on how phishers tricks them into thinking they’re actually getting an email from company headquarters and what steps you should take in response so that no one gets taken advantage of!

Install a firewall to protect your computer systems from unauthorized access

Intrusion Detection and Intuition may be the only way to keep your business safe from outside threats. Make sure that these features are enabled on all of our devices, so we can send you logs in case anything goes wrong!

Use strong passwords and change them regularly

Apply security policies on your network. Examples: Deny or limit USB file storage access, enable enhanced password policies, set user screen timeouts, and limit user access.

Back up your data regularly in case of an attack

Backup local. Back up to the cloud. Have an offline backup for each month of the year. Test your backups often. And if you aren’t convinced your backups are working properly, call us ASAP.

Restrict access to sensitive information only to authorized personnel

Accessing company data should be limited to those with a need for it.

Use anti-virus software and keep it up-to-date

There are plenty of anti-virus options for your business equipment. We can help advise on the best route to take.

Monitor employee internet usage and email activity for any suspicious behavior

Internet security is a race against time. Cloudbased security detects web and email threats as they emerge on the Internet and blocks them on your network within seconds before they reach the user.

Carry out an overall Security Assessment

It’s important to establish a baseline and close existing vulnerabilities. When was your last assessment?

Implement Advanced Endpoint Detection and Response

Protect your computers data from malware, viruses and cyberattacks with advanced endpoint security. Today’s latest technology (which replaces your outdated antivirus solutions) protects against fileless and script-based threats and can even rollback a ransomware attack

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Utilise MFA whenever you can including on your network, banking websites and even social media. It adds an additional layer of protection to ensure that even if your password does get stolen, your data stays protected.

Carry out a Dark Web Scan and continue to monitor.

Knowing in real-time which passwords and accounts have been posted on the dark web will allow you to be proactive in preventing a data breach. We scan the Dark Web to take action and protect your business from stolen credentials that have been posted for sale.   

Take out Cyber Insurance

If all else fails, protect your income and business with cyber damage and recovery insurance policies. Read more about Cyber Insurance Here 

Invest time into installing software suites like Office 365 ProPlus which include builtin vulnerability protection

Businesses of all sizes can be the target of cybercrime, and if you’re not taking steps to protect your company, you could be putting yourself at risk. Contact our London cyber security experts today to discuss your business security needs, and find out how we can help keep you safe from online threats.